International Shipments

ACS delivers all over the world, international visitors are welcome!

All orders will be processed within 24/48 hours from the date of receiving the payment order.

the payments accepted are:

- paypal
- bank Transfert (money order) to: ANTEINI ALESSANDRO BANK Poste Italiane IBAN: IT96J0760114700000035424035 BIC BPPIITRRXXX

NO "CASH on DELIVERY" is NOT Possible Outside Italy Thanks.

Our shipments are entrusted to the Italian Post for shipments outside the European Community or the express courier DHL or UPS or DPD (BRT) as appropriate for shipments in the European community.

Deliveries are made by the Italian post office in about 15 working days from date of shipment.
Cee by Express courier deliveries are made in 3/5 working days from date of shipment.
This exception delays attributable to the Italian Post or to the Courier (we recommend using an exact shipping address and a valid phone number).

The cost of delivery varies according to weight and volume of the shipment, and ranges from a minimum of 15.90 in Europe (eg. 1 Funko Pop) Euros to a maximum of 22/23 Euros (All other items).

Free of shipping charges for orders over Euro 300.00 only in europe cee. Please Advise Us Before Order, thanks!

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